Our experienced landscape architectural, ecology and arb teams offer extensive skills and services
We provide design, surveys and assessment for projects of all scales and levels of complexity. Our integrated approach to landscape design embeds biodiversity at the heart of our design process to ensure natural assets are retained and enhanced.
For our clients, that means a consistent best practice service in each discipline, with dedicated project teams. And where all disciplines are in house, cost savings and efficiencies across project delivery.
Landscape Masterplanning and Visioning
Our reputation has been founded on our ability to analyse, interpret and unlock the landscape potential of development sites across the UK. When engaged at the very outset of a project, we work collaboratively with you and the wider project team to create an engaging, inspiring and innovative landscape vision. A vision that shapes the character of your site and forms the foundation for all future stages of design.
Ecological Surveys and Assessments
From strategic advice and ecological feasibility studies all the way through to detailed surveys, management planning and on site support, our in-house team support you with all aspects of ecology for your project. We employ licence holders for all major UK protected species and have a wealth of experience in the assessment, design and delivery of comprehensive ecological services.
Detailed Landscape and Public Realm Design
Our detailed design service sits at the very core of our business and spans all project types, scales and levels of complexity. Our in house experts and specialists work daily to deliver detailed design solutions for everything from new towns to restoration schemes, commercial and mixed use sites, public realm, highways, development parcels and even individual proprties. We provide design, coordination, liaison and consultation services from site planning all the way through to long term site management.
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
Working closely with our visioning and design teams, our assessment team are skilled at identifying the character, capacity and sensitivity of landscapes. Their ability to accept change and the design solutions required, ensure projects satisfy planning requirements and are deliverable. The services we offer include strategic advice and feasibility studies, landscape capacity studies, landscape and visual appraisals, landscape and visual impact assessments and input to EIA and Environmental Statements.
Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA)
In addition to LVIA, we also offer comprehensive townscape and visual impact assessments and viewpoint studies for urban sites of all scales and levels of complexity. Our experience includes strategic TVIA for major development sites, TVIA for urban residential, commercial and mixed use sites and input to Local Plan Policy for protected viewpoints.
Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA)
We have been delivering biodiversity impact assessments for over seven years. Our specialist in-house techniques and processes enable us to assess and implement net gain for projects of all scales and levels of complexity. Working hand in hand with our visioning and detailed design services, we undertake strategic studies at the outset of projects to identify routes to net gain. Working with the very latest metrics, we demonstrate in detail how this will be achieved throughout the lifecycle of projects.
Expert Witness
For those rare occasions where it is not possible to negotiate planning, or political hurdles through the delivery of our standard services, our in-house landscape and ecology expert witnesses are on hand to support you and your team in achieving the desired outcome for your project. Our combined experience spans residential sites, strategic sites, new towns, major infrastructure projects, commercial developments and renewable energy.
Arboricultural Advice and Surveys to BS5837:2012
We employ a wide range of arboricultural experts who support us and our clients with strategic and specialist advice, detailed tree surveys, health and safety assessments, tree and woodland management planning and clerk of works services. Whatever your tree issues might be, we have you covered.