The CGC Development Framework Document Has Been Approved
BMD is thrilled to announce that Chelmsford City Council cabinet has approved the Chelmsford Garden Community Development Framework Document (DFD), that will deliver a new landscape-led development comprising over 50% Green Infrastructure, around 5,500 new homes and 60,000sqm of employment floorspace.
BMD have worked collaboratively on the project for many years alongside JTP for the developer consortium of Countryside Partnerships L&Q Ptarmigan Homes and Halley Developments, taking a nature first approach to the masterplanning of Green Infrastructure (GI).
We've combined our in house landscape design, assessment (LVIA/TVIA/EcIA/BIA) and ecological expertise, to provide a complete landscape architectural service as an integral part of the scheme development.
The landscape strategy for Chelmsford Garden Community delivers a comprehensive green, blue and wild infrastructure network, including three new destination parks connected by a network of multifunctional greenways and spaces, connecting landscapes, nature, GI assets, heritage features and communities to create an exemplar place within which people can live in balance with nature.
BMD are currently working with Ptarmigan Land and Countryside L&Q to prepare Outline Planning Applications for Zones 1 and Zones 2 of Chelmsford Garden Community, providing green infrastructure services covering landscape design, landscape masterplanning and landscape assessment (LVIA/EcIA). These have been running concurrently with the development of the Development Framework Document, which was approved in January 2023.
Date published: 07 Feb 23