BMD offer a sophisticated and integrated approach to landscape and ecology and have developed a landscape led approach to strategic development.
A core element to this is our approach to biodiversity assessment and integration, ensuring that from an early stage the biodiversity assets of a proposed development are fully understood, integrated and promoted within the scheme designs to ensure a net gain in biodiversity is achievable. We also ensure that the ecological constraints are fully understood and where possible converted to beneficial outcomes.
Bound by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management’s (CIEEM) code of conduct, our experienced team of ecologists can provide a range of desk & field-based surveys. From carrying out Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) to developing Mitigation Programmes for protected species under EU & International environmental law – and everything in between.
How we add value
Because our designers and ecologists work collaboratively, we create harmonised design responses where ecology isn’t an after-thought. It’s fully-integrated and embraced from start to finish. By delivering everything under one roof, our clients have a single point of contact for all things landscape and ecology. This saves the time and expense of duplicate meetings, reports and communication; creating a streamlined design process with minimal delays to development on site.
Services we offer
Led by a Chartered Environmentalist (CENV), we can support our clients at every stage of the planning process. Our ecologists can deliver a range of advice, surveys, assessments and biodiversity net gain services either as one-off reports or as part of a combined approach with our landscape design services.