With no vegetation in the former run-down retail centre, BMD worked closely with the design team to identify opportunities for integration of 4 semi mature pin oak trees with large subterranean cellular pits to ensure their longevity.
With the majority of the space covered in hard paving, which shrouds an extensive array of utilities below, surface water is drained from the hard paved areas and fed to the tree pits to ensure hydration, with positive drainage removing any excess water from the pits.
A green wall, supplied, installed and maintained by Biotecture soften and enhances the former stark edge of the Rother Street Car Park. This new feature creates an attractive verdant backdrop to new outdoor dining areas in the public realm. Planted with a range of species to benefit wildlife and fed and watered by a closed automated system, the wall established swiftly and has thrived through a number of long dry summers, whilst minimising water use.
Image caption: Tree and shrub planting with integrated seating. © BMD